Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.CDHitsToday' in database '6bridges' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup. Careersdesk - industry-trends
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Research Study: Demographic Dividend-Younger India Poised for Economic Boom : thedesk
   - An interesting research study of how a younger age profile in our country will open the window of opportunity for demographic dividend in the future
Banking on Consolidation, Cross-selling and Global Sourcing : thedesk
   - Key Trends in the Global Banking Industry: A sector to bank on for continued job growth
Industry vertical-wise breakup of IT exports : thedesk
   - IT Industry: Overview of industry verticals
The Automobile Industry in India: Fasten your seat belts : thedesk
   - Key global Auto Industry trends – Acceleration for Indian Industry and a shift up in careers
Business Intelligence: Foretelling a future boom (Part I) : thedesk
   - Hot careers: Datawarehousing/Business Intelligence
Embedding the seeds of the digital future : thedesk
   - Hot Careers: Embedded Systems Programming
Telecom Industry – Convergent Technologies, Wideband Opportunities : thedesk
   - Key emerging trends in the domestic and global telecom industry
RFID: Scanning the horizons : thedesk
   - Career Trends: RFID - A growing application area
Unraveling Nanotechnology: Part I : thedesk
   - Career Trends: A Science of limitless possibilities
Tottering Quality Management by Ajith : Ajith
   - Two decades after the concept of TQM took the corporate world by storm, does the ISO certification system need some key modifications for the good effects of the quality movement to survive?
Impact of US recession on outsourcing of IT and other services to India : Rahul
   - Do you think the Impact of US recession on outsourcing of IT and other services to India will be positive?