Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.CDHitsToday' in database '6bridges' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup. Careersdesk - sbu-head
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Whats Your War Cry? - Leadership Lessons from the Military : thedesk
   - Leadership is best learnt on the battlefield, where the smoke, pace, heat, grime, dust and the momentum of battle, the aggression of the opponent and the unpredictability of elements lends to the character of the conflict a rugged, realistic feel and teaches lessons that you don’t quite learn that in the operation planning rooms or boardrooms. To use a cliché, a battlefield teaches you what they don’t teach you at Harvard! more
Chai and Chat with Rajnish Karki, author of the recently released book - Competing with the Best: Strategic Management of Indian Companies in a Globalizing Arena : thedesk
   - Chai and chat with Rajnish Karki, who runs a research and advisory boutique specializing in strategy & organisation design, and has recently published his first book - Competing with the Best: Strategic Management of Indian Companies in a Globalizing Arena. Rajnish holds a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from IIT Kanpur and a doctrate in Strategic Management from IIM (A).
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